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Hearing Power [live action]

First Appearance: Act 39

See Also: Live action only move.

In Brief: A move of Sailor Luna's used to enhance her already powerful hearing to locate something, mostly an enemy's location.

A whole animated sequence was made for this move yet it was used only once in Act 39. The reason for this was probably due to Sailor Luna's popularity among the audience and the fact that at this point she had a very small selection of attacks.

Cultural: "The cat's ear is yet another marvel of feline engineering. Like a sophisticated satellite dish turning to pick up a signal, the cat's external ear, or pinna, rotates up to 180 degrees to locate and identify even the faintest of squeaks, peeps or rustling noises.

While dogs are renowned for detecting high-pitched whistles far beyond human hearing, cats actually hear much higher frequencies than canines and are only slightly inferior at the low end of the frequency scale. They also can detect the tiniest variances in sound, distinguishing differences of as little as one-tenth of a tone, which helps them identify the type and size of the prey emitting the noise. This heightened sense of hearing is especially important in wildcats, which depend on hunting for survival. It also enables wild and domestic feline mothers to hear faint squeals of distress from their cubs or kittens when they stray too far away.

A cat up to 3 feet away from the origin of a sound can pinpoint its location to within a few inches in a mere six one-hundredths of a second. Cats also can hear sounds at great distances — four or five times farther away than humans."
-- Taken from Animal Planet

The Move: Sailor Luna closes her eyes and begins to absorb coloured waves of power (possibly like a sonar with information after her surroundings). Huge ammounts of candy and sweets then explode from her body and float around her as she ballet dances in the centre of them.

After turning once, she stops, strikes a pose and listens with her right ear as several balls of different coloured light float into her ear and give her the location of her target.

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new ENGLISH sailor moon manga!
new sailor moon english manga #1

Sailor Moon #1 (13th Sept)

Codename: Sailor V #1 (13th Sept)

Sailor Moon #2 (15th Nov)

Codename: Sailor V #2 (15th Nov)

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Sailor Moon #4 (13th Mar)

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Live Action Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon Super Special DVD-BOX

Every episode and special in one official box for the first time!

Release: 22nd Sept

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